Daun Digital Indonesia
Business Solution Catalyst / Co-Founder

Tahun 2018 memutuskan untuk memulai langkah baru bareng 4 orang terdekat mendirikan Digital Agency Company. Niatan awal untuk tidak lagi minjam bendera atas pekerjaan yang sudah beberapa kali di handle berlanjut sampai dengan hari ini. 

Mengambil Peran sebagai Business Solution Catalyst, belajar mengambil peran sebagai penyeimbang dan administrator serta financing dari para Front Liner yang gercep mengkonversi peluang menjadi order.  


CEO / Founder

Bareng Alit sebagai Chief Technology Officer Perusahaan kecil yang kami jaga lilin kebaikan untuk dapat saling bermanfaat dalam kebaikan. KLISE? Ngga kok, Salingsae adalah filosofi kami agar bisa senantiasa saling berbuat baik dalam kebaikan. Ada beberapa produk yang disiapkan under SALINGSAE

Project Management / IT Service Management

Profesi Saya adalah Project Manager. Tidak akan lepas dari Dunia Project Management semenjak serius berkecimpung di beberapa IDB Project di Indonesia dan bertemu dengan para project manager dalam perjalananya. Pernah bersertifikat CMPM dan Belum sempat menjalani sertifikasi PMP. Project Management Body of Knowledge adalah dasar saya belajar tentang Project Management.

Project highlighted | INVOLVEMENT


Involve as Expert Engineer and Project Coordinator Grant Project for some universities; UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Uin Alauddin Makassar.

Chevron indoasia business unit

Lead 100 team members for various position Telephone Operator, IT Service Desk, IT Support, Asset Management, Data Center Support and IT Field Support for Operation Coverage Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan Operation as Service Desk Manager | Project Manager.

telekomunikasi indonesia international

Development of Network Monitoring Tools to visualize the map where your Point of Present Network are exist around the world in real time uptime status and traffic.


Involve for Project Management and Customer Handling related with the Maintenance of Some Application ( Custom Search Engine and Marketplace Analytic)  to make sure the services meet the SLA.


With Daun Digital Already 2 Years being part of Social Media Maintenance some products of 3M. Producing content for Instagram, KOL Management and Ads For Facebook and Instagram.

pertamina international shipping 

SHIBUMA, Shipping Business Management System. ERP For Shipping Business Company and implemented with web based application end to end. Support for Jakarta and Singapore Office 

bri life

Build microsite for transaction selling Insurance Premi with connectivity to BRIVA and LinkAja for Awards Healty and Lifestyle Insurance

sinarmas land

Some projects with Sinarmas land and their group from build the website, marketing tools for interactive website at BSD City.

usaid bijak | wcs

Involve for Behaviour Change Campaign at WEST JAVA with the Brand #BijakBerkicau. Offline and Online Campaign for reducing the songbird keeping and engage the stakeholder of songbird community for continues spirit of #BijakBerkicau.